신규회원 5% 쿠폰 발급 *중복할인가능* 신상품 단독 최대 15%할인

Whole Paper is a contemporary designer brand based in Seoul, South Korea. 

We are inspired by the ordinary aspects of life. We appreciate bluntness and provide comfortable products which are a mixture of roughness and minimalist. 

Whole Paper carries a white label line and black label line. White Label is an official collection line and Black Label is an unofficial line with basic items.




F1, 205-12 Dohwa-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

© 2023 Wholepaper

홀페이퍼(Wholepaper) I 대표:전지원 

사업자 등록번호:360-10-01647


서울특별시 마포구 도화동 205-12 1층 

wholepaper.office@gmail.com I 070-8098-9393

© 2023 Wholepaper

홀페이퍼(Wholepaper) I 대표:전지원 

사업자 등록번호:360-10-01647 I 통신판매신고번호:2020-서울마포-4244

서울특별시 마포구 도화동 205-12 1층 

wholepaper.office@gmail.com I 070-8098-9393 

신규회원 5% 쿠폰 발급 *중복할인 가능* 신규회원 5% 쿠폰 발급 *중복할인 가능*